Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer ?

HCS services include: Residential services Group homes Host Home/Companion Care Respite services Individualized Skills & Socialization (ISS) Employment services Nursing services Dental services Behavioral support Supported home living Social work Occupational therapy Physical therapy Speech therapy Dietary services Audiology services Cognitive rehabilitation services (services for people with brain injury) Accessible minor home modifications Adaptive aids Transition assistance services

 Who provides Home and Community-Based Services ?

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) contracts with public and private entities to provide HCS services. HHSC regularly monitors these providers to ensure quality of services. When enrolling in the HCS program, applicants choose their provider from a list of available providers in their area. Individuals are able to change providers at any time, even if they move to another area of Texas. Individuals can also choose to hire and train their own service providers under the consumer directed services option.

What are the steps in providing HCS Services ?

Those interested in receiving HCS services are placed on an interest list by contacting the local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) that serves the county in which they live. Find the LIDDA that serves your area. An offer of the HCS program depends on individual need, one’s date of placement on the interest list and the availability of funding for the program. Once HHSC approves an offer for HCS, the LIDDA serving a local service area will assist with the application process, as well as coordinate the enrollment and ongoing services.

What are the Eligibility Requirements ?

Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) may be available to any Texas resident not living in an institutional setting who meets the following criteria: Has an IQ of 69 or below or has an approved related condition with an IQ of 75 or below Has mild to severe deficits in adaptive behavior Is eligible for Medicaid benefits Is not enrolled in any other Medicaid waiver program

How do I select an HCS provider ?

There are several necessary questions and steps that must be considered before selecting an HCS provider. The regional developmental disability specialist must be included to provide guidance in this process. Some of the questions that might be considered, and steps to take, are: Where in the state would the child like to reside? Contact the providers for availability. Conduct background checks, according to HCS policy. Conduct a home visit. Schedule a pre-placement visit. Set up an enrollment meeting.